the churches of Christ salute you! Romans 16:16
Morris Road church of Christ
Modern Christians practicing first century discipleship.
Morris Road church of Christ
Pure New Testament Christianity
We are a group of the Lord’s people striving to practice pure New Testament Christianity. We believe the Bible to be God’s chosen method of revealing His will to mankind. We look to the Bible alone for our authority in doctrine and practice. The Bible teaches that the seed of the kingdom is the word of God (Luke 8:11). It is our intention, then, to plant that seed, without addition or subtraction, in good and honest hearts (Luke 8:15).
Today that idea has not changed.
We want to share the love of Christ by being a warm and friendly group where people can learn about God. We seek to address the spiritual needs of the entire family: children, teenagers, and adults. Above all, we desire the salvation of every soul. We are dedicated to teaching the truth of God’s word to every person in the Gulfport area.
We strive to practice primitive New Testament Christianity. We speak where the Bible speaks, silent where the Bible is silent, call Bible things by Bible names and do Bible things in Bible ways. Only act in Bible matters when there is a ‘thus saith the Lord’, an apostolic example, or necessary inference.
Meeting Times
Morris Road Church of Christ • Gulfport, MS
Sunday Morning Study
9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship
10:30 am
Sunday Evening Study
6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
6:30 pm
14161 Morris Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503-3361
Worship in Spirit & Truth
Does The Church You Are A Member Of
Worship Just Like They Did 2,000 Years Ago?
2,000 years ago Christians worshiped God each first day of the week by:
• Singing spiritual songs (Eph. 5:18-20).
• Praying fervently (Acts 2:42).
• Observing His supper (Acts 20:7).
• Giving from the heart (1 Cor. 16:1-2).
• Studying His word (Acts 2:42; 11:26).
• At Morris Road Church of Christ,
We strive to follow this pattern set forth in the New Testament.
What To Expect
- A warm, friendly group of Christians who will greet you.
- A dedicated group of Christians who love to serve God.
- A sincere, scriptural worship service.
- An arrogant group of people who don’t care about your soul.
- Man-made creeds being endorsed or practiced. The Bible is our only guide to live righteously.
- People who are part of any denomination. We are Christians only, just like those found in the pages of the New Testament.

Come Study With Us!
✓ Quick Response
✓ Clear Biblical Answers
✓In person or online study
Have Bible Questions?! We’d love to study with you!
Peter says ‘always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you’ and we try to do just that. We don’t have all the answers but we know where to find them! The Bible is God’s instruction manual for this life and the next and we’d love to show you what God’s word says from your own bible.
Give us a Call
call our toll free number and someone from our congregation will get back with you ASAP.
Email or Message Us
email us at or on FaceBook Messenger @morrisroadchurchofchrist
14161 Morris Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503-3361
Live Streaming on Facebook
We stream all of our services online on our facebook page.

How is the church supported?
The New Testament shows that the early church supported themselves by voluntary contribution to normal and special needs. Paul instructs the church to give freely and cheerfully. We are instructed to prepare for the inevitable by laying a weekly offering aside as we have prospered and purposed. (1 Cor 16:1-2; 2 Cor 9:6-8)
Why do you meet on Sundays?
One thing you’ll notice at Morris Rd is that we’re a studious group who love God’s word and seek it diligently. We offer age appropriate Bible studies on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. Worship begins at 10:30 and we meet again in the evenings at 6pm for a study and open discussion on the morning lesson.
Why do you meet several times a week for Bible studies?
Yes! we meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 for age appropriate bible studies and meet again at 6pm on Sunday to dive deeper into the morning lesson. We also meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 for our midweek bible study. Every 5th Saturday we have a 5th Saturday singing at the building from 5pm-6pm,
What can I expect when I come to visit?
A warm welcome, honest bible study and a family striving to be pleasing to God
Why are there no musical instruments?
We believe that the Bible is our sole authority on earth. We believe it authorizes by direct commands, examples and inescapable implications. As we study the pattern of worship set out by the early church, you find no commands, examples or inferences that permits the use of instruments in worship. So we must say ‘we ought to obey God rather than the traditions of man’
How do I become a member of the church of Jesus Christ?
Jesus says ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. And no one comes to the father but through me.’ The New Testament plainly teaches how one is added to the church that Jesus bought with His blood. We must hear the word/the Gospel call, repent of our sins, confess before men that Jesus is the Christ and be immersed in water for the forgiveness of sins. (Acts 2:38ff)

Do you have any comments or questions?
If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.
Join us in worship.
✓ Simple New Testament Christianity
✓ Bible Studies with a Biblical Focus ✓ Family Focused Group